After – Close Up

Alvin Close Up

At first I was hesitant to see an Image Consultant because I am, after all, a guy and it seemed a little “girly” to me, but after I was finished with the process and saw the results, I would highly recommend the process to anyone (man or woman) who wants to upgrade their look and feel more confident in what they present to others, whether in their professional or personal life.

This is what Barb did for him:

  • Hair: Styled him for new head-shots.
  • Clothing: Left him with some outfits that are already done so all he has to do is get dressed and not think about what he’s going to wear.
  • Style: Dressed him for date night with his gal using existing wardrobe pieces.

Like what you see?

Call Barbara to get started right away. Let her work her magic on you.